Good better best

My mom had a saying she learned when she was in school…. It went like this…. Good, better, best, never let it rest… until good is better and better is best.  I like the saying because it exemplifies the desire to continually improve and not stop until you’ve achieved the best you can.

Find out how to avoid falling into the trap of “good is good enough” in this blog post.

We recently conducted a project for a division of a company to gather customer experience feedback.  We learned what the company was doing well, what they needed to improve on, and their unique identifier from their customers’ perspective.  But … we also learned why their customers chose them and why they stay with them. We also identified at- risk customers, one of which was their second largest.  The results were used to successfully develop a sales strategy based on their customers’ experiences and needs.

After this initial project, we suggested conducting a similar project for another division.  The management team told us that the other division was breaking sales records so they didn’t need to gather any customer feedback.  Why would they need to, right? Things are going well…

The reality is that, while they may be breaking sales records, it’s hard to know why they’re doing so well.  When businesses start accelerating their growth, this can often lead to quality and capacity issues which can impact a company’s ability to deliver on its promises.  Understanding why they are breaking records or knowing if it’s a fluke will enable them to prepare accordingly.  And learning why they are breaking records can help position other areas of the business for even more growth.

So, don’t be short sighted if things are going well.  Remember, it may not last and understanding why is critical to keep it growing and stay on top…  Good, better, best!

Consider these points to make more money from your customers and make them happier in the process!

If you’d like some help with it, please reach out at (216-867-1165) I’m happy to help you get started.