Follow up

I have a question for you…. What’s the worst thing you can do with the customer experience data you gather?  Nothing—doing absolutely nothing with the feedback you get from your customers can be very damaging to your relationships and growth potential.

Everyone is stretched thin these days and pulled in many different directions— there just aren’t enough hours in the day.  So, when you ask your customers for feedback and they take the time to provide it, it’s critical that you use it effectively— not only to drive improvements in your operation but also to enhance your customer experiences.

Collecting customer experience feedback and NOT taking action sends the wrong kind of message. Let’s consider the potential consequences when this happens….

Making Matters Worse…

By not following up on feedback, especially if the customer has an issue, you run the risk of further irritating and aggravating a situation. Customers expect that if they have an issue someone will follow-up and resolve it.  You are essentially telling your customer that their issues don’t matter.

Driving Negative Reviews…

A situation like this definitely drives undesirable customer reviews and the spreading of negative word of mouth.  This can be very damaging to your reputation and is totally out of your control once the comments are posted… you cannot take this back and even though you may do your best to respond and give your side of the story, you have to work extra hard to overcome with more positive reviews.

Destroying Trust and Credibility…

Not taking action on customer feedback will definitely harm your credibility and destroy the trust your customers have in you. This, then, directly impacts loyalty and customers may use this as a reason to jump ship and move on to one of your competitors.  The result is loss of revenue, profit and potentially market share.

So what message do you want to send to your customers and what outcomes do you want?  Do you want your customers to think that you don’t care about them or their experiences or do you want them to know that you value their business and relationship and that you are committed to delivering an outstanding customer experience that you can build on over time?  The choice is yours and your choice will determine your outcomes.

Consider these Customer Acceleration points that will help you make more money from your customers and make them happier in the process!

And if you’d like some help, please reach out at (216-867-1165) I’m happy to help you get started.